Transforming Workplace Cultures 

Leadership & Culture Speaker | Australia



Culture isn't just a buzzword; it's the silent engine driving your organisation's success or failure—especially in today's complex landscape. Whether your team is on-site, remote, or juggling both, the 'new normal' has made culture non-negotiable. And in an era where labor shortages are a reality, leaders can't afford to have culture as an afterthought.   

Enter UGRs—Unwritten Ground Rules. These are the silent influencers that dictate how your team behaves, collaborates, and ultimately performs. Think your team won't speak up in meetings? That's a UGR. Believe the boss only talks to you when there's a problem? That's a UGR, too.

Developed by Steve Simpson, the UGRs concept is no theoretical musing—it's a practical tool leaders can use to decode and upgrade their cultures. In this eye-opening keynote, Steve unveils world-first research into UGRs, exposing how they're created, how they shape behaviors, and—crucially—how you can pivot away from toxic UGRs to align your culture with your strategic goals.  

Don't miss this game-changing conversation that promises actionable insights for immediate impact. Because when it comes to culture, what's left unsaid often says the most.

Steve Simpson is an international speaker and author who has worked globally with the likes of Kmart Australia and New Zealand, SAP (globally) and McLaren Automotive in the UK.

  • “You are a legend.”

    “You are a legend. Like a fine wine you are getting better with age though I did not think that was possible. You know I have now heard your UGRs presentation on a number of occasions but I never walk away without feeling more invigorated and determined to make sure I do better within my team and organisation.”

    Vince Aisthorpe, Chairman, Queensland Supply Chain and Logistics Conference

  • “I’ve seen a lot of presenters at a lot of conferences – but few with the skills, the humour and the engaging cheek of Steve Simpson.”

    Phillip Adams, AO Broadcaster, writer and film-maker

  • “Steve is an amazing personality and he has actually turned into a celebrity within our organisation. ”

    Mandeep Dhatt, Executive Director, Human Resources, McLaren Automotive, UK



Workplace culture

Leading cultures


Customer Service 

Leadership & Culture 

Change & Resilience